GameBoy test ROMs for Plip.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

220 lines
3.6 KiB

SECTION "functions", ROMX[$4000]
; Disables the LCD during the next vblank period.
; Clobbers HL.
_lcdDisable: MACRO
call waitVBlank
ld hl, $ff40
ld a, [hl]
res 7, a
ld [hl], a
; Enables the LCD immediately.
; Clobbers HL.
_lcdEnable: MACRO
ld hl, $ff40
ld a, [hl]
set 7, a
ld [hl], a
; Completely the flags register.
; Modifies:
; F - End result: 0
push bc
ld b, a
ld c, 0
push bc
pop af
pop bc
; Clears the Nintendo logo tile data. This is intended to leave the screen open
; for simple (i.e. a bunch of boxes drawn with fillTile) test output.
push af
push hl
; disable the LCD
; wipe the logo
ld hl, $81A0
ld a, $0
ld [hld], a
ld a, h
cp $80
jr nz, .loop
ld a, l
cp $0f
jr nz, .loop
; enable the LCD and return
pop af
pop hl
; Draws an inverted grid over where the Nintendo logo tile data normally
; resides. This is useful for tests that use a grid output, as it will make the
; tile number more obvious. This should be called after the tests are performed,
; as fillTile and fillTileEx will draw over the grid.
push hl
push de
push bc
ld hl, $8010 ; Start address.
ld de, $8190 ; End address.
ld b, $f ; Used to find the top of each file.
ld a, l ; Check for the top of the tiles.
and b
jr z, _handleTop
; Invert the right side of the tile.
ld c, $01
ld a, [hl]
xor c
ld [hli], a
; See if we've reached the end.
ld a, h
cp d
jr nz, _gridLoop
ld a, l
cp e
jr nz, _gridLoop
; Fin.
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
; Each row is stuffed into two bytes, so two writes are required to fully
; invert the top row.
ld a, [hl]
ld [hli], a
ld a, [hl]
ld [hli], a
jr _gridLoop
; Writes a value across 16 bytes, starting at HL. Intended to fill a single tile.
; Parameters:
; B - The value to set the bytes to.
; HL - Destintion location.
; Modifies:
; HL - End result: HL + 16
push de
ld d, 16
call memset
pop de
; Fills a 16 byte block with a specific pattern. Intended to fill a single tile
; with a specific grayscale or color shade.
; Parameters:
; B - The pattern to write:
; $00: $00 $00
; $01: $FF $00
; $02: $00 $FF
; $03: $FF $FF
; HL - Destintion location.
; Modifies:
; B - Set to $00 or $FF.
; HL - End result: HL + 16
push af
ld a, b
ld b, %11
and b
jr nz, _check3
; b = $00. Fill with palette entry 0.
ld b, $00
call fillTile
pop af
cp b
jr nz, _handleAlt
; b = $ff. Fill with palette entry 3.
ld b, $ff
call fillTile
pop af
push de
ld b, %01
ld d, 16
ld e, $ff
cp b
ld a, 0
jr nz, _fillLoop
xor e
ld [hli], a
xor e
dec d
jr nz, _fillLoop
pop de
pop af
; Copies up to 256 bytes of memory to another location.
; Parameter:
; BC - Source location.
; HL - Destination location.
; D - The number of bytes to copy.
; Modifies:
; BC - End result: BC + D
; HL - End result: BC + d
; D - End result: $00
ld a, [bc]
ld [hli], a
inc bc
dec d
ret z
jr memcpy
; Fills up to 256 bytes of memory with a set value, starting at HL.
; Parameters:
; B - The value to set the bytes to.
; D - The number of bytes to modify.
; HL - Destination location.
; Modifies:
; D - End result: 0
; HL - End result: HL + D
push af
ld a, b
ld [hli], a
dec d
jr nz, .loop
pop af
; Wait for vblank without using interrupts.
push af
ldh a, [$ff44]
cp $90
jr nz, .loop
pop af