HeaderTitle EQUS "\"LCDTOGGLE\"" include "common/defines.inc" include "common/header.inc" include "common/functions.inc" SECTION "home", ROM0 wait: call waitVBlank dec d jr nz, wait ret ProgramStart: ld b, $00 reset: ld hl, $8010 ld a, b xor $ff ld b, a .loop: ; Disable the LCD call waitVBlank ldh a, [$ff40] res 7, a ldh [$ff40], a ; Mess with the logo, as we often do. call fillTile ; Enable the LCD ldh a, [$ff40] set 7, a ldh [$ff40], a ; Wait for a few frames. ld d, 8 call wait ; Check to see if we need to reset hl, then rinse and repeat. ld a, h cp $81 jr nz, .loop ld a, l cp $90 jr nz, .loop jr reset