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/* GameBoyInstance.h
* A GameBoy core for Plip.
#pragma once
#include "../PlipCore.h"
#include "../../Cpu/SharpLr35902/SharpLr35902.h"
#include "../../Memory/PlipMemoryMap.h"
#include "../../Memory/PlipMemoryRam.h"
#include "../../Memory/PlipMemoryRom.h"
namespace Plip::Core::GameBoy {
class GameBoyInstance : public PlipCore {
GameBoyInstance(PlipAudio *audio, PlipInput *input, PlipVideo *video, PlipConfig *config);
void ClearBreakpoint() override;
void Delta(long ns) override;
std::string DumpRegisters() override;
PlipError Load(const std::string &path) override;
void Redraw() override;
void SetBreakpoint(uint32_t pc) override;
const int BaseClockRate = 4194304;
const int InputRight = 0;
const int InputLeft = 1;
const int InputUp = 2;
const int InputDown = 3;
const int InputA = 4;
const int InputB = 5;
const int InputSelect = 6;
const int InputStart = 7;
inline void Plot(uint8_t color, int pos) {
if(m_lcdBlankFrame) color = 0b00;
switch(color) {
case 0b00:
// White
m_videoFmt.plot(m_videoBuffer, pos, 255, 255, 255, 255);
case 0b01:
// Light Gray
m_videoFmt.plot(m_videoBuffer, pos, 172, 172, 172, 255);
case 0b10:
// Dark Gray
m_videoFmt.plot(m_videoBuffer, pos, 86, 86, 86, 255);
case 0b11:
// Black
m_videoFmt.plot(m_videoBuffer, pos, 0, 0, 0, 255);
// Huh. Okay, make it pretty obvious that something's up.
m_videoFmt.plot(m_videoBuffer, pos, 255, 0, 0, 255);
void BootRomFlagHandler();
uint16_t GetRomBankCount();
void InitCartRam();
void InputRegisterHandler();
void ReadCartFeatures();
void ReadInput();
void RegisterInput();
// GameBoyInstance.Mbc.cpp
void MbcInit();
void MbcCycle(PlipMemoryValue lastWrite);
void Mbc1Cycle(PlipMemoryValue lastWrite);
// GameBoyInstance.timer.cpp
void TimerExecute();
[[nodiscard]] static uint8_t TimerFallingEdgeBit(uint8_t tac);
[[nodiscard]] bool TimerFallingEdgeDetection(uint8_t bit) const;
void TimerIncreaseTima();
void TimerTima();
// GameBoyInstance.Video.cpp
void VideoCycle();
void VideoExecute();
[[nodiscard]] bool VideoHBlank() const;
void VideoModePostTransition();
void VideoModePreTransition();
void VideoOamDmaTransfer();
void VideoOamDmaTransferEnd();
void VideoOamDmaTransferStart();
[[nodiscard]] bool VideoOamSearch();
void VideoSetMemoryPermissions();
[[nodiscard]] bool VideoVBlank();
[[nodiscard]] bool VideoVidGen();
void VideoVidGenDraw();
// Core
bool m_bootRomFlag = false;
uint32_t m_bp = 0xFFFFFFFF;
std::string m_bootRomPath;
Plip::Cpu::SharpLr35902 *m_cpu;
long m_cycleRemaining = 0;
int m_dotCyclesRemaining = 0;
const int m_dotsPerCycle = 4;
PlipMemoryValue m_lastWrite {};
uint8_t *m_videoBuffer;
size_t m_videoBufferSize;
PlipVideoFormatInfo m_videoFmt {};
// Cartridge Information
enum MemoryBankController {
MemoryBankController m_mbc = None;
bool m_hasBattery = false;
bool m_hasCamera = false;
bool m_hasRam = false;
bool m_hasRtc = false;
bool m_hasSensor = false;
uint16_t m_romBanks = 0;
uint16_t m_cartRamBanks = 0;
// MBC
uint8_t m_mbcMode = 0;
uint8_t m_mbcRomBank = 0;
uint8_t m_mbcRamBank = 0;
bool m_mbcRamEnabled = false;
// Memory
Plip::PlipMemoryRom *m_bootRom = nullptr;
Plip::PlipMemoryRom *m_rom = nullptr;
uint8_t m_unusableContents[0x60] {};
Plip::PlipMemoryRom *m_unusable;
Plip::PlipMemoryRam *m_cartRam = nullptr;
Plip::PlipMemoryRam *m_workRam;
Plip::PlipMemoryRam *m_videoRam;
Plip::PlipMemoryRam *m_oam;
Plip::PlipMemoryRam *m_ioRegisters;
Plip::PlipMemoryRam *m_highRam;
static const uint32_t m_addrRom = 0x0000;
static const uint32_t m_addrBankedRom = 0x4000;
static const uint32_t m_addrVideoRam = 0x8000;
static const uint32_t m_addrWorkRam = 0xC000;
static const uint32_t m_addrCartRam = 0xA000;
static const uint32_t m_addrEchoRam = 0xE000;
static const uint32_t m_addrOam = 0xFE00;
static const uint32_t m_addrUnusable = 0xFEA0;
static const uint32_t m_addrRegisters = 0xFF00;
static const uint32_t m_addrHighRam = 0xFF80;
// Boot
static const uint32_t m_addrBootRomDisable = 0xFF50 - m_addrRegisters;
// Input
uint8_t m_keypad = 0;
const uint32_t m_regJoypad = 0xFF00 - m_addrRegisters;
// Timer
static const uint32_t m_regDivider = 0xFF04 - m_addrRegisters;
static const uint32_t m_regTima = 0xFF05 - m_addrRegisters;
static const uint32_t m_regTma = 0xFF06 - m_addrRegisters;
static const uint32_t m_regTac = 0xFF07 - m_addrRegisters;
uint16_t m_timer = 0;
uint16_t m_timerLast = 0;
uint8_t m_timerTacLast = 0;
bool m_timerTimaOverflow = false;
// Video
static const uint32_t m_regLcdControl = 0xFF40 - m_addrRegisters;
static const uint32_t m_regLcdcStatus = 0xFF41 - m_addrRegisters;
static const uint32_t m_regScy = 0xFF42 - m_addrRegisters; // R/W scroll Y
static const uint32_t m_regScx = 0xFF43 - m_addrRegisters; // R/W - scroll X
static const uint32_t m_regLy = 0xFF44 - m_addrRegisters; // R
static const uint32_t m_regLyCompare = 0xFF45 - m_addrRegisters; // R/W
static const uint32_t m_regOamDmaTransfer = 0xFF46 - m_addrRegisters; // R/W
static const uint32_t m_regBgp = 0xFF47 - m_addrRegisters; // R/W - BG/window palette
static const uint32_t m_regObp0 = 0xFF48 - m_addrRegisters; // R/W - object palette 0
static const uint32_t m_regObp1 = 0xFF49 - m_addrRegisters; // R/W - object palette 0
static const uint32_t m_regWy = 0xFF4A - m_addrRegisters; // R/W - window Y
static const uint32_t m_regWx = 0xFF7B - m_addrRegisters; // R/W - window X - 7
static const uint32_t m_vramTileBase = 0x8000 - m_addrVideoRam;
static const uint32_t m_vramTileBlockOffset = 0x0800;
static const uint32_t m_vramBgBase = 0x9800 - m_addrVideoRam;
static const uint32_t m_vramBgBlockOffset = 0x0400;
static const uint8_t m_maxSpritesPerScanline = 10;
static const uint8_t m_maxSpritesInOam = 40;
static const uint32_t m_videoHBlankTime = 0;
static const uint32_t m_videoOamScanTime = 80;
static const uint32_t m_videoScanlineTime = 376;
static const uint32_t m_videoVBlankTime = 4560;
static const uint32_t m_videoModeHBlank = 0;
static const uint32_t m_videoModeVBlank = 1;
static const uint32_t m_videoModeOamSearch = 2;
static const uint32_t m_videoModePicGen = 3;
static const uint32_t m_screenWidth = 160;
static const uint32_t m_screenHeight = 144;
enum VidGenStage {
int m_dotCount = 0;
bool m_lcdBlankFrame = false;
uint8_t *m_spriteList;
uint8_t *m_spriteListSorted;
uint8_t m_spriteListIdx = 0;
int m_videoCoincidence = 0;
int m_videoOamDmaTransferIdx = -1;
int m_videoMode = 0;
uint8_t m_videoLastLcdc = 0;
int m_videoLx = 0;
int m_videoLy = 0;
VidGenStage m_vidGenStage = BackgroundScrolling;
int m_vidGenTick = 0;