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/* GameBoyInstance.timer.cpp
* Simulated timer implementation in the GameBoy core.
#include "GameBoyInstance.h"
#include "../../PlipEmulationException.h"
#include "../../PlipUtility.h"
namespace Plip::Core::GameBoy {
void GameBoyInstance::TimerExecute() {
m_timerLast = m_timer;
if(m_lastWrite.address == m_addrRegisters + m_regDivider) {
// Reset the timer variable if DIV is written to.
m_timer = 0;
// The timer increases by 4 every cycle.
m_timer += 4;
if(m_timerTimaOverflow) {
// Reload TIMA and raise an interrupt (if applicable).
auto tma = m_ioRegisters->GetByte(m_regTma);
m_ioRegisters->SetByte(m_regTima, tma);
// Quirk: If IF is written during the interrupt cycle, the
// written value will override this.
if(m_lastWrite.address != Plip::Cpu::SharpLr35902::MemInterruptFlag)
// Handle TIMA.
// Update the divider register.
m_ioRegisters->SetByte(m_regDivider, m_timer >> 8);
inline uint8_t GameBoyInstance::TimerFallingEdgeBit(uint8_t tac) {
switch(tac & 0b11) {
case 0b00:
return 9;
case 0b01:
return 3;
case 0b10:
return 5;
case 0b11:
return 7;
return 0; // Compiler appeasement. :)
inline bool GameBoyInstance::TimerFallingEdgeDetection(uint8_t bit) const {
return BIT_TEST(m_timerLast, bit) && !BIT_TEST(m_timer, bit);
inline void GameBoyInstance::TimerIncreaseTima() {
uint8_t tima = m_ioRegisters->GetByte(m_regTima) + 1;
if(tima == 0) {
if(m_lastWrite.address == m_addrRegisters + m_regTima) {
// Quirk: If TIMA is written to during the cycle that causes it to
// overflow, the pending reset and interrupt are cancelled.
tima = m_lastWrite.value;
} else {
// TIMA overflow.
m_timerTimaOverflow = true;
m_ioRegisters->SetByte(m_regTima, tima);
void GameBoyInstance::TimerTima() {
auto tac = m_ioRegisters->GetByte(m_regTac) & 0b111;
auto freqBit = TimerFallingEdgeBit(tac);
m_timerTimaOverflow = false;
if(TimerFallingEdgeDetection(freqBit) && BIT_TEST(tac, 2)) {
} else if(BIT_TEST(m_timer, freqBit) && BIT_TEST(m_timerTacLast, 2) && !BIT_TEST(tac, 2)) {
// Quirk: Increase TIMA if the corresponding bit is set when disabling
// the timer.
} else if(m_lastWrite.address == m_addrRegisters + m_regTac
&& !BIT_TEST(m_timerTacLast, 2) && BIT_TEST(tac, 2)
&& (m_timerTacLast & 0b11) == 0 && (tac & 0b11) == 1) {
// Quirk: Increase TIMA if the timer goes from disabled to enabled, and
// the multiplexer goes from 0 to 1 (agh).
m_timerTacLast = tac;
// Write TAC back into memory to ensure that only the low 3 bits are set.
m_ioRegisters->SetByte(m_regTac, tac);