An SDL wrapper library for .NET.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

158 lines
5.4 KiB

using DotSDL.Audio;
using DotSDL.Graphics;
using DotSDL.Input.Keyboard;
using System;
namespace Sample.Audio {
internal class Window : SdlWindow {
private bool UpPressed { get; set; }
private bool DownPressed { get; set; }
private bool Fast { get; set; }
private int _freq = 440;
private int _minFreq = 1;
private readonly int _maxFreq;
private const int DrawX = 1;
private const int SpacingX = 5;
private const int DrawY = 1;
private const byte OnDelta = 24;
private const byte OffColor = 72;
private readonly Color _textColor = new Color { A = 255, R = 159, G = 159, B = 159 };
private readonly Playback _audio;
private ulong _time;
private readonly int _audioFreq;
public Window(int width, int height) : base("DotSDL Audio Example",
new Point{ X = WindowPosUndefined, Y = WindowPosUndefined },
width, height,
36, 9) {
KeyPressed += Window_KeyPressed;
KeyReleased += Window_KeyReleased;
_audio = new Playback(44100, AudioFormat.Integer16, ChannelCount.Mono);
_audioFreq = _audio.Frequency;
var floatingPointText = _audio.FloatingPoint ? "floating-point, " : "";
var endianText = _audio.LittleEndian ? "little-endian" : "big-endian";
Console.WriteLine($"Audio opened: {_audioFreq}hz, {_audio.BitSize}-bit ({floatingPointText}{endianText}), {_audio.Channels} channels, {_audio.BufferSizeSamples} sample buffer, {_audio.BufferSizeBytes} byte buffer.");
_audio.BufferEmpty += Audio_BufferEmpty;
_maxFreq = _audioFreq / 2;
~Window() {
private void Audio_BufferEmpty(object sender, AudioBuffer e) {
var t = (Math.PI * 2.0 * _freq) / _audioFreq;
for(var i = 0; i < e.Length; i++)
e.Samples[Channel.Mono][i] = Math.Sin(_time++ * t);
private void DrawGlyph(Canvas canvas, char ch, int xPos, Color c) {
var xPixel = DrawX + SpacingX * xPos;
var glyph = Font.Glyph[ch];
for(var y = 0; y < Font.Height; y++) {
for(var x = 0; x < Font.Width; x++) {
if(!glyph[y, x]) continue;
var index = canvas.GetIndex(x + xPixel, y + DrawY);
canvas.Pixels[index] = c;
protected override void OnDraw() {
// Clear canvas.
for(var i = 0; i < Background.Pixels.Length; i++)
Background.Pixels[i].R = Background.Pixels[i].G = Background.Pixels[i].B = 0;
// hz Text
DrawGlyph(Background, 'h', 5, _textColor);
DrawGlyph(Background, 'z', 6, _textColor);
// Number
var freqText = _freq.ToString();
var textPos = 5 - freqText.Length;
for(var x = 0; x < freqText.Length; x++)
DrawGlyph(Background, freqText[x], textPos + x, _textColor);
// Background/highlighting.
var component = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < Background.Pixels.Length; i++) {
Background.Pixels[i].R += OffColor;
Background.Pixels[i].G += OffColor;
Background.Pixels[i].B += OffColor;
switch(component) {
Background.Pixels[i].R += OnDelta;
case 1:
Background.Pixels[i].G += OnDelta;
case 2:
Background.Pixels[i].B += OnDelta;
component = component >= 2 ? 0 : ++component;
protected override void OnUpdate(float _) {
var delta = Fast ? 10 : 1;
_freq += delta;
_freq -= delta;
if(_freq > _maxFreq) _freq = _maxFreq;
if(_freq < _minFreq) _freq = _minFreq;
private void Window_KeyPressed(object sender, DotSDL.Events.KeyboardEvent e) {
if(e.Repeat) return;
switch(e.Keycode) {
case Keycode.Up:
UpPressed = true;
case Keycode.Down:
DownPressed = true;
case Keycode.LShift:
case Keycode.RShift:
Fast = true;
case Keycode.Escape:
private void Window_KeyReleased(object sender, DotSDL.Events.KeyboardEvent e) {
switch(e.Keycode) {
case Keycode.Up:
UpPressed = false;
case Keycode.Down:
DownPressed = false;
case Keycode.LShift:
case Keycode.RShift:
Fast = false;