An SDL wrapper library for .NET.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

171 lines
6.1 KiB

using DotSDL.Events;
using DotSDL.Graphics;
using DotSDL.Input.Keyboard;
using System;
using System.Numerics;
namespace Sample.Sprites {
public class Window : SdlWindow {
//private int _camX = 0, _camY = 0, _deltaX = 2, _deltaY = 1;
private Player _player1, _player2;
private Point _player1Delta, _player2Delta;
public Window(int scale) : base("Sprites Test",
new Point(WindowPosUndefined, WindowPosUndefined),
256 * scale, 196 * scale,
256, 196) {
KeyPressed += OnKeyPressed;
KeyReleased += OnKeyReleased;
Background.Height = Background.Width = 1024;
private void GenerateBackground() {
// Draw colored, diagonal strips across the entire background canvas.
var stripRef = new Color[Background.Width * 2];
for(var i = 0; i < Background.Width * 2; i++) {
stripRef[i].R = (byte)(Math.Abs(i % 511 - 255) / 2);
stripRef[i].G = (byte)(80 / (stripRef[i].R + 4) / 2);
stripRef[i].B = (byte)(120 * (Math.Sin(i * Math.PI / 128 + 256) * 0.2 + 0.8));
for(var y = 0; y < Background.Height; y++) {
var stripIdx = y % Background.Width;
for(var x = 0; x < Background.Width; x++) {
var pix = y * Background.Width + x;
Background.Pixels[pix] = stripRef[stripIdx + x];
// Darken every other layer, because why not. :)
for(var y = 2; y < Background.Height; y += 2) {
for(var x = 0; x < Background.Width; x++) {
var pix = Background.Width * y + x;
Background.Pixels[pix].R = (byte)(Background.Pixels[pix].R * 0.8);
Background.Pixels[pix].G = (byte)(Background.Pixels[pix].G * 0.8);
Background.Pixels[pix].B = (byte)(Background.Pixels[pix].B * 0.8);
// Finally, draw a dashed border around the edge to show the edge boundaries.
// This routine assumes that the canvas is square.
const int lineSize = 7;
const int margin = 4;
var black = new Color { R = 0, G = 0, B = 0 };
var yellow = new Color { R = 255, G = 255, B = 0 };
for(var i = margin; i < Background.Width - margin; i++) {
// Y axis.
var activeColor = (i - margin) / lineSize % 2 == 1 ? black : yellow;
var pix = Background.Width * i + margin;
Background.Pixels[pix] = activeColor;
pix = Background.Width * i + Background.Width - 1 - margin;
Background.Pixels[pix] = activeColor;
// X axis.
activeColor = (i - margin) / lineSize % 2 == 1 ? yellow : black;
pix = Background.Width * margin + i;
Background.Pixels[pix] = activeColor;
pix = Background.Width * (Background.Height - 1 - margin) + i;
Background.Pixels[pix] = activeColor;
private void GeneratePlayers() {
_player1 = new Player(new Color { R = 255, G = 64, B = 64 }, 2, 1);
_player2 = new Player(new Color { R = 64, G = 64, B = 255 }, 3, 2);
_player1.Position.X = 24;
_player1.Position.Y = 24;
_player1Delta = new Point();
_player2.Position.X = 96;
_player2.Position.Y = 24;
_player2Delta = new Point();
_player1.Scale.X = 1.5f;
_player2.ScalingQuality = ScalingQuality.Linear;
_player2.Scale.Y = 2.0f;
private void OnKeyPressed(object sender, KeyboardEvent e) {
switch(e.Keycode) {
case Keycode.Escape:
case Keycode.W:
_player1Delta.Y = -1;
case Keycode.S:
_player1Delta.Y = 1;
case Keycode.A:
_player1Delta.X = -1;
case Keycode.D:
_player1Delta.X = 1;
case Keycode.Up:
_player2Delta.Y = -1;
case Keycode.Down:
_player2Delta.Y = 1;
case Keycode.Left:
_player2Delta.X = -1;
case Keycode.Right:
_player2Delta.X = 1;
private void OnKeyReleased(object sender, KeyboardEvent e) {
switch(e.Keycode) {
case Keycode.W:
case Keycode.S:
_player1Delta.Y = 0;
case Keycode.A:
case Keycode.D:
_player1Delta.X = 0;
case Keycode.Up:
case Keycode.Down:
_player2Delta.Y = 0;
case Keycode.Left:
case Keycode.Right:
_player2Delta.X = 0;
protected override void OnUpdate() {
/*_camX += _deltaX;
_camY += _deltaY;
if(_camX + Background.Clipping.Size.X >= Background.Width || _camX <= 0)
_deltaX = -_deltaX;
if(_camY + Background.Clipping.Size.Y >= Background.Height || _camY <= 0)
_deltaY = -_deltaY;
Background.Clipping.Position.X = _camX;
Background.Clipping.Position.Y = _camY;*/